free of charge

Registration for the 'Energy- & Hydrogen Congress of the Greater Region 2024'


October 7-8, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM


Free of charge

Registration Deadline

Registration until October 1, 2024

Event Location


Do you have any questions?


For questions regarding registration, event content, or other inquiries, we are available at the following contact details:


+49 172 9192610


Frequently Asked Questions

Directly opposite the event rooms is the comfortable Hotel Vienna House Easy Trier.

For event participants, in cooperation with the hotel, a limited contingent of 50 rooms is available at discounted rates.

More Information

No, the event is free of charge for all participants.

Travel and any potential hotel costs are the responsibility of the participants.

The Energy and Hydrogen Congress is aimed at professionals and decision-makers from administration and politics. Please note that your registration does not automatically entitle you to participate.

Each registration will be reviewed within one week. Upon successful review, a confirmation email will be sent.

The event will be conducted bilingually in German and French.

Register Now


Participation in the congress is free and non-binding.

I agree that the data I entered in the registration form will be processed by Ecoliance GreenTech GmbH for the purpose of organizing the aforementioned event and shared with the companies and individuals mentioned in the privacy policy to ensure a smooth process.
I agree that photos or videos may be taken during the conference and that Ecoliance GreenTech GmbH, as well as its event partners, may use or publish excerpts for documentation purposes and for publication in post-event reports or on their online channels.

Ecoliance GreenTech GmbH reserves the right to cancel the event if the minimum number of participants is not reached by the registration deadline specified in the registration documents. Furthermore, Ecoliance GreenTech GmbH reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or otherwise modify the event if unforeseen circumstances occur that are beyond the control of Ecoliance GreenTech GmbH and make such action necessary.

Please note that Ecoliance GreenTech GmbH does not assume any responsibility for participants' travel or accommodation costs. This also applies in the event of a cancellation by Ecoliance GreenTech GmbH. Any other claims by registered participants are excluded.

Please note that due to limited availability, your registration is only provisional and must be confirmed by one of our staff members.